Organised – Efficient – Creative
Today our spotlight falls on Jenna Monteith, Interior Designer at Profica. Jenna loves the interaction required to achieve beautiful results, from discussions with clients, to doing workshops with contractors and final implementation with builders. ‘It’s always such a rush when the collaboration comes together and the visual of the interior speaks for itself.’ #womensmonth
What inspires you to get up in the morning?
I am usually forced out of bed and stumble around incoherently for a while until my brain starts working! The inspiration happens later when I am on my way to work and the coffee has kicked in. I love the drive and use it to strategically arrange my day, deciding where my focus will be.
Tell us a bit more about what you bring to the Profica team.
I bring a level head to any situation, and will usually be working out the best balance of efficiency and creativity in my design work.
What are some of the challenges you face working in a male-dominated industry?
The design industry is a cutthroat one. One of the biggest challenges is always having to prove that you can more than fulfil the role required of you.
What advice would you give to other young women that want to be in this industry?
Decide if this is really what you want. Design will push you to the edge, and then right over it. If it is your passion, you will relish the challenge of it and the end result will make up for the tough times.
What would you like to see women do more of in your industry?
Learn their worth! It is time that bias between male and female colleagues fades away. It would be great for women to push for the promotions they deserve, not just sit quietly while others push around them.
Why did you choose to work at Profica?
There is a really great culture here. We are a new team and are all loving the challenge of growing ourselves into something great. I chose to work here as the contribution into growing a team from the ground up is really appealing to me and it is so wonderful that our team can see the growth we are achieving from the hard work.
How does Profica support women within the organisation?
Profica pushes women to stand up and grab the reins. There are no extra hurdles to jump as a woman, which makes it easy to stand on level playing grounds.