
Profica supporting transformation in the property sector

The South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners @SAIBPP which advocates and facilitates transformation in the property sector and built environment, will be hosting its annual fundraising black-tie gala dinner tonight at the Emoyeni Estate in Houghton. As a supporter and member of the organisation, Profica is looking forward to attending the glittering event. We hope to see you there!

Profica has a booked a table in support of the SAIBPP fundraising efforts. Once again, the event promises to serve as a great time to connect with likeminded industry players and to be inspired by the guest speakers. This year includes three honourable guests who are actively involved in South Africa’s broad-based socio-economic transformation. In attendance will be Minister of Human Settlements, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, the Minister of Public Works, Thulas Nxesi, and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Zwelini Mkhize.

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